First-time domestic round-trip flight between Beijing and Lhasa in China

China International Airlines officially opened a round trip from Beijing to Lhasa on the 15th. The one-way flight time is only about 4 hours. This is also the first time that a regular flight between Beijing and Lhasa has been made in China.

It is understood that the one-way flight time of the newly opened direct route will only take about 4 hours, which will save nearly 2 hours compared with the previous stop of Chengdu flight. The direct route will use the modified Airbus “High Prototype” A319 aircraft, which will be operated by the Southwest Air China branch company with rich experience in plateau flights. The daily flight will be CA4125/6. The specific time of the flight took off from Beijing Capital Airport at 8:05 in the morning and arrived at the Gongga Airport in Lhasa at 12:25. It took off from Lhasa at 13:15 and arrived in Beijing at 17:05.

Air China also said that during the tourist season Air China will use the larger Airbus 330 aircraft to carry out the route. According to the analysis of insiders in the tourism industry, the Spring Festival of New Year is approaching. The opening of this route will provide more choices for tourists who want to travel through the peaks and travel freely, which will help further drive the tourism market in Tibet.

According to reports, Air China currently flies to Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, to Lhasa, Nyingchi, and Bangda, plus the new Beijing-Lhasa round-trip direct flight on December 15. Air China has an average of over 100 flights per week into and out of Tibet.

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