Xiao Bian Weapons Prevents Dongfeng 5-ton Sprinkler from Spontaneous Combustion in Summer

A few days ago, Xiao Bian saw a piece of news: Dongfeng 5 tons of sprinklers suddenly spontaneously ignited, and another Dongfeng sprinkler that passed by was sent a “timely rain”. Fortunately, no major incident was caused. In general, the temperature in summer is increasing day by day, and the accident of spontaneous combustion of sprinklers is frequent. How can we avoid it? In fact, the self-ignition of the Dongfeng 5-ton watering vehicle requires "prevention" as the main factor, and the maintenance of the second one depends on support. Let's discuss in depth: How to prevent and avoid the spontaneous combustion of the Dongfeng 5-ton sprinkler.


Half of the auto-ignition of the Dongfeng 5-ton sprinkler is due to the aging of circuits and equipment, or the consequences of unauthorized conversion. Many sprinkler owners neglect to maintain the car because of the warranty period. In fact, on the contrary, vehicles that drive for four years should be more vigilant. Only by carrying out regular maintenance and maintenance can the hidden danger be killed in the cradle. This is where the essence of prevention lies.

Secondly, when the temperature is too high in the summer, the lighter is also a major hidden danger. Many male owners like to smoke in the car, of course, this will not cause a fire. But forgotten trains in the car will be detonated automatically after 2-3 hours exposure to poisonous hot sun. Smoking can, please use car cigarette lighter as much as possible to avoid leaving the train on the train. In addition, do not put any flammable or explosive materials on the vehicle, including the tailgate. For example: oil drums, fireworks, pressure vessels (air fresheners, mousses), perfumes, etc.

Again, you should pay more attention to road conditions and conditions when driving. Avoid getting items that are prone to spontaneous combustion into the car, such as paper, straw, etc. These objects are subject to high-speed friction in the car and can ignite causing the vehicle to self-ignite. When driving, you should pay more attention to whether there is odor in the car, such as: rubber burnt (tire and belt), plastic burning (circuit), smoke, etc., should stop immediately to find out the source of the odor. These abnormal smells are an early warning to us when the car is spontaneously burning. Don't ignore it.

Finally, if you notice smoke in the front cover, remember not to blindly open the hood. Because the front cover of the car is in an oxygen-deficient state in a confined state, the flame may not be able to burn. Once the front cover is opened swiftly, a large amount of oxygen inflow may cause the fire to suddenly increase. The correct approach is to call the police immediately after stopping in a safe location and prepare for fire extinguishing. Take the fire extinguisher in your hand and finally open the front cover.

Maybe some people would say, What are you afraid of? Anyway, I bought insurance, and I have an insurance company to claim compensation. This idea is wrong. Even if we exclude the possibility of personal injury, Dongfeng sprinkler spontaneous combustion is not included in the "all risks", the insurance company will reject the payment on the ground that "spontaneous combustion is a disclaimer clause." Therefore, for the Dongfeng Sprinkler, which has a long vehicle age or has been overhauled and greatly modified, it is advisable to insure the "additional auto-ignition damage insurance for vehicles" in addition to the full insurance coverage.

As the saying goes, you must be careful to drive for 10,000 years. Prevention is a necessary precondition for stopping the spontaneous combustion of Dongfeng 5-ton sprinklers. After all, no one wants to love the car and set aside the danger. The loss is definitely much more than other commodities.

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