Malvern Zeta potentiometer supports wastewater treatment optimization

The zeta potential of the sewage flowing into the water treatment facility will have an effect on the formation of flocs after the fast mixing or flocculation step in the water treatment process. Various chemicals are added to the raw water for disinfection, changing the pH, reducing the intrinsic charge, to optimize the condensation effect. Samples were taken after the addition of each chemical to analyze the water clarification process and to track changes in parameters to optimize flocculation conditions.

The wastewater treatment plant uses Zetarizer Nano, an advanced particle characterization system from Malvern Instruments, to optimize the water treatment process without waiting for external test results. Zetasizer Nano saves valuable resources for operators, making it easy to measure and track the zeta potential (charge) flowing into the wastewater of the treatment plant, which can be operated hourly, daily or with a certain period of time depending on seasonal requirements. These parameters are crucial to the final water quality and the efficiency of the treatment plant.

Gregory Dehmlow of Dehmlow Optimization of the United States is a wastewater treatment consultant specializing in the optimization of water treatment plants. Mr. Dehmlow said: "The Malvern Zetasizer Nano enables operators to perform the necessary analysis internally without having to rely on external laboratories. It is easy to use, powerful, reliable and suitable for use in wastewater treatment plants."

“In the past, zeta potential measuring instruments were difficult to set up and operate outside the laboratory. The equipment was in compliance with Malvern's specified procedures and was easy to operate, so operators were willing to use it as part of routine laboratory analysis. This was their optimization for customers. And part of the daily work that produces the highest quality water."

As a water treatment consultant, Gregory Dehmlow recommends using the Zetasizer Nano for characterization of the water in the distribution system and assisting in the development of the water treatment operation process based on the overall optimization goal.